All files / compiler-dom/src/transforms validateHtmlNesting.ts

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import {
  type CompilerError,
  type NodeTransform,
} from '@vue/compiler-core'
import { isValidHTMLNesting } from '../htmlNesting'
export const validateHtmlNesting: NodeTransform = (node, context) => {
  if (
    node.type === NodeTypes.ELEMENT &&
    node.tagType === ElementTypes.ELEMENT &&
    context.parent &&
    context.parent.type === NodeTypes.ELEMENT &&
    context.parent.tagType === ElementTypes.ELEMENT &&
    !isValidHTMLNesting(context.parent.tag, node.tag)
  ) {
    const error = new SyntaxError(
      `<${node.tag}> cannot be child of <${context.parent.tag}>, ` +
        'according to HTML specifications. ' +
        'This can cause hydration errors or ' +
        'potentially disrupt future functionality.',
    ) as CompilerError
    error.loc = node.loc