All files / runtime-dom/src nodeOps.ts

88.88% Statements 80/90
87.5% Branches 42/48
80% Functions 12/15
88.88% Lines 80/90

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import { warn } from '@vue/runtime-core'
import type { RendererOptions } from '@vue/runtime-core'
import type {
} from 'trusted-types/lib'
let policy: Pick<TrustedTypePolicy, 'name' | 'createHTML'> | undefined =
const tt =
  typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
  (window as unknown as TrustedTypesWindow).trustedTypes
if (tt) {
  try {
    policy = /*@__PURE__*/ tt.createPolicy('vue', {
      createHTML: val => val,
  } catch (e: unknown) {
    // `createPolicy` throws a TypeError if the name is a duplicate
    // and the CSP trusted-types directive is not using `allow-duplicates`.
    // So we have to catch that error.
    __DEV__ && warn(`Error creating trusted types policy: ${e}`)
// __UNSAFE__
// Reason: potentially setting innerHTML.
// This function merely perform a type-level trusted type conversion
// for use in `innerHTML` assignment, etc.
// Be careful of whatever value passed to this function.
export const unsafeToTrustedHTML: (value: string) => TrustedHTML | string =
  policy ? val => policy.createHTML(val) : val => val
export const svgNS = ''
export const mathmlNS = ''
const doc = (typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : null) as Document
const templateContainer = doc && /*@__PURE__*/ doc.createElement('template')
export const nodeOps: Omit<RendererOptions<Node, Element>, 'patchProp'> = {
  insert: (child, parent, anchor) => {
    parent.insertBefore(child, anchor || null)
  remove: child => {
    const parent = child.parentNode
    if (parent) {
  createElement: (tag, namespace, is, props): Element => {
    const el =
      namespace === 'svg'
        ? doc.createElementNS(svgNS, tag)
        : namespace === 'mathml'
          ? doc.createElementNS(mathmlNS, tag)
          : is
            ? doc.createElement(tag, { is })
            : doc.createElement(tag)
    if (tag === 'select' && props && props.multiple != null) {
      ;(el as HTMLSelectElement).setAttribute('multiple', props.multiple)
    return el
  createText: text => doc.createTextNode(text),
  createComment: text => doc.createComment(text),
  setText: (node, text) => {
    node.nodeValue = text
  setElementText: (el, text) => {
    el.textContent = text
  parentNode: node => node.parentNode as Element | null,
  nextSibling: node => node.nextSibling,
  querySelector: selector => doc.querySelector(selector),
  setScopeId(el, id) {
    el.setAttribute(id, '')
  // __UNSAFE__
  // Reason: innerHTML.
  // Static content here can only come from compiled templates.
  // As long as the user only uses trusted templates, this is safe.
  insertStaticContent(content, parent, anchor, namespace, start, end) {
    // <parent> before | first ... last | anchor </parent>
    const before = anchor ? anchor.previousSibling : parent.lastChild
    // #5308 can only take cached path if:
    // - has a single root node
    // - nextSibling info is still available
    if (start && (start === end || start.nextSibling)) {
      // cached
      while (true) {
        parent.insertBefore(start!.cloneNode(true), anchor)
        if (start === end || !(start = start!.nextSibling)) break
    } else {
      // fresh insert
      templateContainer.innerHTML = unsafeToTrustedHTML(
        namespace === 'svg'
          ? `<svg>${content}</svg>`
          : namespace === 'mathml'
            ? `<math>${content}</math>`
            : content,
      ) as string
      const template = templateContainer.content
      if (namespace === 'svg' || namespace === 'mathml') {
        // remove outer svg/math wrapper
        const wrapper = template.firstChild!
        while (wrapper.firstChild) {
      parent.insertBefore(template, anchor)
    return [
      // first
      before ? before.nextSibling! : parent.firstChild!,
      // last
      anchor ? anchor.previousSibling! : parent.lastChild!,