All files / runtime-dom/src/helpers useCssVars.ts

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92.85% Branches 26/28
100% Functions 6/6
100% Lines 70/70

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import {
  type VNode,
} from '@vue/runtime-core'
import { ShapeFlags } from '@vue/shared'
export const CSS_VAR_TEXT: unique symbol = Symbol(__DEV__ ? 'CSS_VAR_TEXT' : '')
 * Runtime helper for SFC's CSS variable injection feature.
 * @private
export function useCssVars(getter: (ctx: any) => Record<string, string>): void {
  if (!__BROWSER__ && !__TEST__) return
  const instance = getCurrentInstance()
  /* v8 ignore start */
  if (!instance) {
    __DEV__ &&
      warn(`useCssVars is called without current active component instance.`)
  /* v8 ignore stop */
  const updateTeleports = (instance.ut = (vars = getter(instance.proxy)) => {
    ).forEach(node => setVarsOnNode(node, vars))
  if (__DEV__) {
    instance.getCssVars = () => getter(instance.proxy)
  const setVars = () => {
    const vars = getter(instance.proxy)
    if (instance.ce) {
      setVarsOnNode(instance.ce as any, vars)
    } else {
      setVarsOnVNode(instance.subTree, vars)
  onBeforeMount(() => {
  onMounted(() => {
    const ob = new MutationObserver(setVars)
    ob.observe(instance.subTree.el!.parentNode, { childList: true })
    onUnmounted(() => ob.disconnect())
function setVarsOnVNode(vnode: VNode, vars: Record<string, string>) {
  if (__FEATURE_SUSPENSE__ && vnode.shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.SUSPENSE) {
    const suspense = vnode.suspense!
    vnode = suspense.activeBranch!
    if (suspense.pendingBranch && !suspense.isHydrating) {
      suspense.effects.push(() => {
        setVarsOnVNode(suspense.activeBranch!, vars)
  // drill down HOCs until it's a non-component vnode
  while (vnode.component) {
    vnode = vnode.component.subTree
  if (vnode.shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.ELEMENT && vnode.el) {
    setVarsOnNode(vnode.el as Node, vars)
  } else if (vnode.type === Fragment) {
    ;(vnode.children as VNode[]).forEach(c => setVarsOnVNode(c, vars))
  } else if (vnode.type === Static) {
    let { el, anchor } = vnode
    while (el) {
      setVarsOnNode(el as Node, vars)
      if (el === anchor) break
      el = el.nextSibling
function setVarsOnNode(el: Node, vars: Record<string, string>) {
  if (el.nodeType === 1) {
    const style = (el as HTMLElement).style
    let cssText = ''
    for (const key in vars) {
      style.setProperty(`--${key}`, vars[key])
      cssText += `--${key}: ${vars[key]};`
    ;(style as any)[CSS_VAR_TEXT] = cssText