All files / runtime-core/src/compat componentFunctional.ts

90.38% Statements 47/52
55.55% Branches 5/9
83.33% Functions 5/6
90.38% Lines 47/52

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import {
  type ComponentOptions,
  type FunctionalComponent,
} from '../component'
import { resolveInjections } from '../componentOptions'
import type { InternalSlots } from '../componentSlots'
import { getCompatListeners } from './instanceListeners'
import { compatH } from './renderFn'
const normalizedFunctionalComponentMap = new WeakMap<
export const legacySlotProxyHandlers: ProxyHandler<InternalSlots> = {
  get(target, key: string) {
    const slot = target[key]
    return slot && slot()
export function convertLegacyFunctionalComponent(
  comp: ComponentOptions,
): FunctionalComponent {
  if (normalizedFunctionalComponentMap.has(comp)) {
    return normalizedFunctionalComponentMap.get(comp)!
  const legacyFn = comp.render as any
  const Func: FunctionalComponent = (props, ctx) => {
    const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
    const legacyCtx = {
      children: instance.vnode.children || [],
      data: instance.vnode.props || {},
      scopedSlots: ctx.slots,
      parent: instance.parent && instance.parent.proxy,
      slots() {
        return new Proxy(ctx.slots, legacySlotProxyHandlers)
      get listeners() {
        return getCompatListeners(instance)
      get injections() {
        if (comp.inject) {
          const injections = {}
          resolveInjections(comp.inject, injections)
          return injections
        return {}
    return legacyFn(compatH, legacyCtx)
  Func.props = comp.props
  Func.displayName =
  Func.compatConfig = comp.compatConfig
  // v2 functional components do not inherit attrs
  Func.inheritAttrs = false
  normalizedFunctionalComponentMap.set(comp, Func)
  return Func