All files / runtime-core/src/compat componentAsync.ts

88.23% Statements 30/34
83.33% Branches 10/12
100% Functions 2/2
88.23% Lines 30/34

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import { isArray, isObject, isPromise } from '@vue/shared'
import { defineAsyncComponent } from '../apiAsyncComponent'
import type { Component } from '../component'
import { isVNode } from '../vnode'
interface LegacyAsyncOptions {
  component: Promise<Component>
  loading?: Component
  error?: Component
  delay?: number
  timeout?: number
type LegacyAsyncReturnValue = Promise<Component> | LegacyAsyncOptions
type LegacyAsyncComponent = (
  resolve?: (res: LegacyAsyncReturnValue) => void,
  reject?: (reason?: any) => void,
) => LegacyAsyncReturnValue | undefined
const normalizedAsyncComponentMap = new WeakMap<
export function convertLegacyAsyncComponent(
  comp: LegacyAsyncComponent,
): Component {
  if (normalizedAsyncComponentMap.has(comp)) {
    return normalizedAsyncComponentMap.get(comp)!
  // we have to call the function here due to how v2's API won't expose the
  // options until we call it
  let resolve: (res: LegacyAsyncReturnValue) => void
  let reject: (reason?: any) => void
  const fallbackPromise = new Promise<Component>((r, rj) => {
    ;(resolve = r), (reject = rj)
  const res = comp(resolve!, reject!)
  let converted: Component
  if (isPromise(res)) {
    converted = defineAsyncComponent(() => res)
  } else if (isObject(res) && !isVNode(res) && !isArray(res)) {
    converted = defineAsyncComponent({
      loader: () => res.component,
      loadingComponent: res.loading,
      errorComponent: res.error,
      delay: res.delay,
      timeout: res.timeout,
  } else if (res == null) {
    converted = defineAsyncComponent(() => fallbackPromise)
  } else {
    converted = comp as any // probably a v3 functional comp
  normalizedAsyncComponentMap.set(comp, converted)
  return converted