All files / runtime-core/src apiWatch.ts

92.2% Statements 142/154
86.66% Branches 39/45
100% Functions 12/12
92.2% Lines 142/154

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import {
  type WatchOptions as BaseWatchOptions,
  type DebuggerOptions,
  type ReactiveMarker,
  type WatchCallback,
  type WatchEffect,
  type WatchHandle,
  type WatchSource,
  watch as baseWatch,
} from '@vue/reactivity'
import { type SchedulerJob, SchedulerJobFlags, queueJob } from './scheduler'
import { EMPTY_OBJ, NOOP, extend, isFunction, isString } from '@vue/shared'
import {
  type ComponentInternalInstance,
} from './component'
import { callWithAsyncErrorHandling } from './errorHandling'
import { queuePostRenderEffect } from './renderer'
import { warn } from './warning'
import type { ObjectWatchOptionItem } from './componentOptions'
import { useSSRContext } from './helpers/useSsrContext'
export type {
} from '@vue/reactivity'
type MaybeUndefined<T, I> = I extends true ? T | undefined : T
type MapSources<T, Immediate> = {
  [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends WatchSource<infer V>
    ? MaybeUndefined<V, Immediate>
    : T[K] extends object
      ? MaybeUndefined<T[K], Immediate>
      : never
export interface WatchEffectOptions extends DebuggerOptions {
  flush?: 'pre' | 'post' | 'sync'
export interface WatchOptions<Immediate = boolean> extends WatchEffectOptions {
  immediate?: Immediate
  deep?: boolean | number
  once?: boolean
// Simple effect.
export function watchEffect(
  effect: WatchEffect,
  options?: WatchEffectOptions,
): WatchHandle {
  return doWatch(effect, null, options)
export function watchPostEffect(
  effect: WatchEffect,
  options?: DebuggerOptions,
): WatchHandle {
  return doWatch(
    __DEV__ ? extend({}, options as any, { flush: 'post' }) : { flush: 'post' },
export function watchSyncEffect(
  effect: WatchEffect,
  options?: DebuggerOptions,
): WatchHandle {
  return doWatch(
    __DEV__ ? extend({}, options as any, { flush: 'sync' }) : { flush: 'sync' },
export type MultiWatchSources = (WatchSource<unknown> | object)[]
// overload: single source + cb
export function watch<T, Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false>(
  source: WatchSource<T>,
  cb: WatchCallback<T, MaybeUndefined<T, Immediate>>,
  options?: WatchOptions<Immediate>,
): WatchHandle
// overload: reactive array or tuple of multiple sources + cb
export function watch<
  T extends Readonly<MultiWatchSources>,
  Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false,
  sources: readonly [...T] | T,
  cb: [T] extends [ReactiveMarker]
    ? WatchCallback<T, MaybeUndefined<T, Immediate>>
    : WatchCallback<MapSources<T, false>, MapSources<T, Immediate>>,
  options?: WatchOptions<Immediate>,
): WatchHandle
// overload: array of multiple sources + cb
export function watch<
  T extends MultiWatchSources,
  Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false,
  sources: [...T],
  cb: WatchCallback<MapSources<T, false>, MapSources<T, Immediate>>,
  options?: WatchOptions<Immediate>,
): WatchHandle
// overload: watching reactive object w/ cb
export function watch<
  T extends object,
  Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false,
  source: T,
  cb: WatchCallback<T, MaybeUndefined<T, Immediate>>,
  options?: WatchOptions<Immediate>,
): WatchHandle
// implementation
export function watch<T = any, Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false>(
  source: T | WatchSource<T>,
  cb: any,
  options?: WatchOptions<Immediate>,
): WatchHandle {
  if (__DEV__ && !isFunction(cb)) {
      `\`watch(fn, options?)\` signature has been moved to a separate API. ` +
        `Use \`watchEffect(fn, options?)\` instead. \`watch\` now only ` +
        `supports \`watch(source, cb, options?) signature.`,
  return doWatch(source as any, cb, options)
function doWatch(
  source: WatchSource | WatchSource[] | WatchEffect | object,
  cb: WatchCallback | null,
  options: WatchOptions = EMPTY_OBJ,
): WatchHandle {
  const { immediate, deep, flush, once } = options
  if (__DEV__ && !cb) {
    if (immediate !== undefined) {
        `watch() "immediate" option is only respected when using the ` +
          `watch(source, callback, options?) signature.`,
    if (deep !== undefined) {
        `watch() "deep" option is only respected when using the ` +
          `watch(source, callback, options?) signature.`,
    if (once !== undefined) {
        `watch() "once" option is only respected when using the ` +
          `watch(source, callback, options?) signature.`,
  const baseWatchOptions: BaseWatchOptions = extend({}, options)
  if (__DEV__) baseWatchOptions.onWarn = warn
  let ssrCleanup: (() => void)[] | undefined
  if (__SSR__ && isInSSRComponentSetup) {
    if (flush === 'sync') {
      const ctx = useSSRContext()!
      ssrCleanup = ctx.__watcherHandles || (ctx.__watcherHandles = [])
    } else if (!cb || immediate) {
      // immediately watch or watchEffect
      baseWatchOptions.once = true
    } else {
      const watchStopHandle = () => {}
      watchStopHandle.stop = NOOP
      watchStopHandle.resume = NOOP
      watchStopHandle.pause = NOOP
      return watchStopHandle
  const instance = currentInstance = (fn, type, args) =>
    callWithAsyncErrorHandling(fn, instance, type, args)
  // scheduler
  let isPre = false
  if (flush === 'post') {
    baseWatchOptions.scheduler = job => {
      queuePostRenderEffect(job, instance && instance.suspense)
  } else if (flush !== 'sync') {
    // default: 'pre'
    isPre = true
    baseWatchOptions.scheduler = (job, isFirstRun) => {
      if (isFirstRun) {
      } else {
  baseWatchOptions.augmentJob = (job: SchedulerJob) => {
    // important: mark the job as a watcher callback so that scheduler knows
    // it is allowed to self-trigger (#1727)
    if (cb) {
      job.flags! |= SchedulerJobFlags.ALLOW_RECURSE
    if (isPre) {
      job.flags! |= SchedulerJobFlags.PRE
      if (instance) { = instance.uid
        ;(job as SchedulerJob).i = instance
  const watchHandle = baseWatch(source, cb, baseWatchOptions)
  if (__SSR__ && ssrCleanup) ssrCleanup.push(watchHandle)
  return watchHandle
// this.$watch
export function instanceWatch(
  this: ComponentInternalInstance,
  source: string | Function,
  value: WatchCallback | ObjectWatchOptionItem,
  options?: WatchOptions,
): WatchHandle {
  const publicThis = this.proxy as any
  const getter = isString(source)
    ? source.includes('.')
      ? createPathGetter(publicThis, source)
      : () => publicThis[source]
    : source.bind(publicThis, publicThis)
  let cb
  if (isFunction(value)) {
    cb = value
  } else {
    cb = value.handler as Function
    options = value
  const reset = setCurrentInstance(this)
  const res = doWatch(getter, cb.bind(publicThis), options)
  return res
export function createPathGetter(ctx: any, path: string) {
  const segments = path.split('.')
  return (): any => {
    let cur = ctx
    for (let i = 0; i < segments.length && cur; i++) {
      cur = cur[segments[i]]
    return cur