All files / reactivity/src arrayInstrumentations.ts

96.58% Statements 226/234
95.31% Branches 61/64
94.87% Functions 37/39
96.58% Lines 226/234

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import { TrackOpTypes } from './constants'
import { endBatch, pauseTracking, resetTracking, startBatch } from './effect'
import { isProxy, isShallow, toRaw, toReactive } from './reactive'
import { ARRAY_ITERATE_KEY, track } from './dep'
import { isArray } from '@vue/shared'
 * Track array iteration and return:
 * - if input is reactive: a cloned raw array with reactive values
 * - if input is non-reactive or shallowReactive: the original raw array
export function reactiveReadArray<T>(array: T[]): T[] {
  const raw = toRaw(array)
  if (raw === array) return raw
  track(raw, TrackOpTypes.ITERATE, ARRAY_ITERATE_KEY)
  return isShallow(array) ? raw :
 * Track array iteration and return raw array
export function shallowReadArray<T>(arr: T[]): T[] {
  track((arr = toRaw(arr)), TrackOpTypes.ITERATE, ARRAY_ITERATE_KEY)
  return arr
export const arrayInstrumentations: Record<string | symbol, Function> = <any>{
  __proto__: null,
  [Symbol.iterator]() {
    return iterator(this, Symbol.iterator, toReactive)
  concat(...args: unknown[]) {
    return reactiveReadArray(this).concat( => (isArray(x) ? reactiveReadArray(x) : x)),
  entries() {
    return iterator(this, 'entries', (value: [number, unknown]) => {
      value[1] = toReactive(value[1])
      return value
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => unknown,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'every', fn, thisArg, undefined, arguments)
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => unknown,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'filter', fn, thisArg, v =>, arguments)
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => boolean,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'find', fn, thisArg, toReactive, arguments)
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => boolean,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'findIndex', fn, thisArg, undefined, arguments)
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => boolean,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'findLast', fn, thisArg, toReactive, arguments)
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => boolean,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'findLastIndex', fn, thisArg, undefined, arguments)
  // flat, flatMap could benefit from ARRAY_ITERATE but are not straight-forward to implement
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => unknown,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'forEach', fn, thisArg, undefined, arguments)
  includes(...args: unknown[]) {
    return searchProxy(this, 'includes', args)
  indexOf(...args: unknown[]) {
    return searchProxy(this, 'indexOf', args)
  join(separator?: string) {
    return reactiveReadArray(this).join(separator)
  // keys() iterator only reads `length`, no optimisation required
  lastIndexOf(...args: unknown[]) {
    return searchProxy(this, 'lastIndexOf', args)
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => unknown,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'map', fn, thisArg, undefined, arguments)
  pop() {
    return noTracking(this, 'pop')
  push(...args: unknown[]) {
    return noTracking(this, 'push', args)
    fn: (
      acc: unknown,
      item: unknown,
      index: number,
      array: unknown[],
    ) => unknown,
    ...args: unknown[]
  ) {
    return reduce(this, 'reduce', fn, args)
    fn: (
      acc: unknown,
      item: unknown,
      index: number,
      array: unknown[],
    ) => unknown,
    ...args: unknown[]
  ) {
    return reduce(this, 'reduceRight', fn, args)
  shift() {
    return noTracking(this, 'shift')
  // slice could use ARRAY_ITERATE but also seems to beg for range tracking
    fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => unknown,
    thisArg?: unknown,
  ) {
    return apply(this, 'some', fn, thisArg, undefined, arguments)
  splice(...args: unknown[]) {
    return noTracking(this, 'splice', args)
  toReversed() {
    // @ts-expect-error user code may run in es2016+
    return reactiveReadArray(this).toReversed()
  toSorted(comparer?: (a: unknown, b: unknown) => number) {
    // @ts-expect-error user code may run in es2016+
    return reactiveReadArray(this).toSorted(comparer)
  toSpliced(...args: unknown[]) {
    // @ts-expect-error user code may run in es2016+
    return (reactiveReadArray(this).toSpliced as any)(...args)
  unshift(...args: unknown[]) {
    return noTracking(this, 'unshift', args)
  values() {
    return iterator(this, 'values', toReactive)
// instrument iterators to take ARRAY_ITERATE dependency
function iterator(
  self: unknown[],
  method: keyof Array<unknown>,
  wrapValue: (value: any) => unknown,
) {
  // note that taking ARRAY_ITERATE dependency here is not strictly equivalent
  // to calling iterate on the proxified array.
  // creating the iterator does not access any array property:
  // it is only when .next() is called that length and indexes are accessed.
  // pushed to the extreme, an iterator could be created in one effect scope,
  // partially iterated in another, then iterated more in yet another.
  // given that JS iterator can only be read once, this doesn't seem like
  // a plausible use-case, so this tracking simplification seems ok.
  const arr = shallowReadArray(self)
  const iter = (arr[method] as any)() as IterableIterator<unknown> & {
    _next: IterableIterator<unknown>['next']
  if (arr !== self && !isShallow(self)) {
    iter._next = = () => {
      const result = iter._next()
      if (result.value) {
        result.value = wrapValue(result.value)
      return result
  return iter
// in the codebase we enforce es2016, but user code may run in environments
// higher than that
type ArrayMethods = keyof Array<any> | 'findLast' | 'findLastIndex'
const arrayProto = Array.prototype
// instrument functions that read (potentially) all items
// to take ARRAY_ITERATE dependency
function apply(
  self: unknown[],
  method: ArrayMethods,
  fn: (item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => unknown,
  thisArg?: unknown,
  wrappedRetFn?: (result: any) => unknown,
  args?: IArguments,
) {
  const arr = shallowReadArray(self)
  const needsWrap = arr !== self && !isShallow(self)
  // @ts-expect-error our code is limited to es2016 but user code is not
  const methodFn = arr[method]
  // #11759
  // If the method being called is from a user-extended Array, the arguments will be unknown
  // (unknown order and unknown parameter types). In this case, we skip the shallowReadArray
  // handling and directly call apply with self.
  if (methodFn !== arrayProto[method as any]) {
    const result = methodFn.apply(self, args)
    return needsWrap ? toReactive(result) : result
  let wrappedFn = fn
  if (arr !== self) {
    if (needsWrap) {
      wrappedFn = function (this: unknown, item, index) {
        return, toReactive(item), index, self)
    } else if (fn.length > 2) {
      wrappedFn = function (this: unknown, item, index) {
        return, item, index, self)
  const result =, wrappedFn, thisArg)
  return needsWrap && wrappedRetFn ? wrappedRetFn(result) : result
// instrument reduce and reduceRight to take ARRAY_ITERATE dependency
function reduce(
  self: unknown[],
  method: keyof Array<any>,
  fn: (acc: unknown, item: unknown, index: number, array: unknown[]) => unknown,
  args: unknown[],
) {
  const arr = shallowReadArray(self)
  let wrappedFn = fn
  if (arr !== self) {
    if (!isShallow(self)) {
      wrappedFn = function (this: unknown, acc, item, index) {
        return, acc, toReactive(item), index, self)
    } else if (fn.length > 3) {
      wrappedFn = function (this: unknown, acc, item, index) {
        return, acc, item, index, self)
  return (arr[method] as any)(wrappedFn, ...args)
// instrument identity-sensitive methods to account for reactive proxies
function searchProxy(
  self: unknown[],
  method: keyof Array<any>,
  args: unknown[],
) {
  const arr = toRaw(self) as any
  track(arr, TrackOpTypes.ITERATE, ARRAY_ITERATE_KEY)
  // we run the method using the original args first (which may be reactive)
  const res = arr[method](...args)
  // if that didn't work, run it again using raw values.
  if ((res === -1 || res === false) && isProxy(args[0])) {
    args[0] = toRaw(args[0])
    return arr[method](...args)
  return res
// instrument length-altering mutation methods to avoid length being tracked
// which leads to infinite loops in some cases (#2137)
function noTracking(
  self: unknown[],
  method: keyof Array<any>,
  args: unknown[] = [],
) {
  const res = (toRaw(self) as any)[method].apply(self, args)
  return res