All files / compiler-ssr/src/transforms ssrVIf.ts

100% Statements 54/54
100% Branches 11/11
100% Functions 2/2
100% Lines 54/54

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import {
  type BlockStatement,
  type IfBranchNode,
  type IfNode,
  type NodeTransform,
} from '@vue/compiler-dom'
import {
  type SSRTransformContext,
} from '../ssrCodegenTransform'
// Plugin for the first transform pass, which simply constructs the AST node
export const ssrTransformIf: NodeTransform = createStructuralDirectiveTransform(
// This is called during the 2nd transform pass to construct the SSR-specific
// codegen nodes.
export function ssrProcessIf(
  node: IfNode,
  context: SSRTransformContext,
  disableNestedFragments = false,
  disableComment = false,
): void {
  const [rootBranch] = node.branches
  const ifStatement = createIfStatement(
    processIfBranch(rootBranch, context, disableNestedFragments),
  let currentIf = ifStatement
  for (let i = 1; i < node.branches.length; i++) {
    const branch = node.branches[i]
    const branchBlockStatement = processIfBranch(
    if (branch.condition) {
      // else-if
      currentIf = currentIf.alternate = createIfStatement(
    } else {
      // else
      currentIf.alternate = branchBlockStatement
  if (!currentIf.alternate && !disableComment) {
    currentIf.alternate = createBlockStatement([
      createCallExpression(`_push`, ['`<!---->`']),
function processIfBranch(
  branch: IfBranchNode,
  context: SSRTransformContext,
  disableNestedFragments = false,
): BlockStatement {
  const { children } = branch
  const needFragmentWrapper =
    !disableNestedFragments &&
    (children.length !== 1 || children[0].type !== NodeTypes.ELEMENT) &&
    // optimize away nested fragments when the only child is a ForNode
    !(children.length === 1 && children[0].type === NodeTypes.FOR)
  return processChildrenAsStatement(branch, context, needFragmentWrapper)