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259x 259x 259x 259x 259x 259x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 379x 222x 379x 70x 70x 70x 379x 1611x 320x 320x 320x 320x 320x 1611x 1611x 1611x 646x 1566x 965x 965x 1611x 379x 165x 165x 165x 379x 379x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 2x 607x 607x 607x 607x 607x 607x 607x 22x 22x 607x 607x 664x 664x 664x 484x 484x 350x 350x 484x 110x 110x 484x 24x 24x 484x 484x 484x 484x 664x 82x 82x 664x 6x 5x 5x 6x 664x 40x 40x 40x 40x 40x 40x 664x 32x 32x 664x 20x 20x 664x 664x 664x 664x 664x 664x 607x 22x 22x 607x 2x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x 120x | import { type BlockStatement, type CallExpression, type CompilerError, type CompilerOptions, ElementTypes, type IfStatement, type JSChildNode, NodeTypes, type RootNode, type TemplateChildNode, type TemplateLiteral, createBlockStatement, createCallExpression, createCompoundExpression, createRoot, createSimpleExpression, createTemplateLiteral, createTransformContext, isText, processExpression, } from '@vue/compiler-dom' import { escapeHtml, isString } from '@vue/shared' import { SSR_INTERPOLATE, ssrHelpers } from './runtimeHelpers' import { ssrProcessIf } from './transforms/ssrVIf' import { ssrProcessFor } from './transforms/ssrVFor' import { ssrProcessSlotOutlet } from './transforms/ssrTransformSlotOutlet' import { ssrProcessComponent } from './transforms/ssrTransformComponent' import { ssrProcessElement } from './transforms/ssrTransformElement' import { SSRErrorCodes, createSSRCompilerError } from './errors' // Because SSR codegen output is completely different from client-side output // (e.g. multiple elements can be concatenated into a single template literal // instead of each getting a corresponding call), we need to apply an extra // transform pass to convert the template AST into a fresh JS AST before // passing it to codegen. export function ssrCodegenTransform( ast: RootNode, options: CompilerOptions, ): void { const context = createSSRTransformContext(ast, options) // inject SFC <style> CSS variables // we do this instead of inlining the expression to ensure the vars are // only resolved once per render if (options.ssrCssVars) { const cssContext = createTransformContext(createRoot([]), options) const varsExp = processExpression( createSimpleExpression(options.ssrCssVars, false), cssContext, ) context.body.push( createCompoundExpression([`const _cssVars = { style: `, varsExp, `}`]), ) Array.from(cssContext.helpers.keys()).forEach(helper => { ast.helpers.add(helper) }) } const isFragment = ast.children.length > 1 && ast.children.some(c => !isText(c)) processChildren(ast, context, isFragment) ast.codegenNode = createBlockStatement(context.body) // Finalize helpers. // We need to separate helpers imported from 'vue' vs. '@vue/server-renderer' ast.ssrHelpers = Array.from( new Set([ ...Array.from(ast.helpers).filter(h => h in ssrHelpers), ...context.helpers, ]), ) ast.helpers = new Set(Array.from(ast.helpers).filter(h => !(h in ssrHelpers))) } export interface SSRTransformContext { root: RootNode options: CompilerOptions body: (JSChildNode | IfStatement)[] helpers: Set<symbol> withSlotScopeId: boolean onError: (error: CompilerError) => void helper<T extends symbol>(name: T): T pushStringPart(part: TemplateLiteral['elements'][0]): void pushStatement(statement: IfStatement | CallExpression): void } function createSSRTransformContext( root: RootNode, options: CompilerOptions, helpers: Set<symbol> = new Set(), withSlotScopeId = false, ): SSRTransformContext { const body: BlockStatement['body'] = [] let currentString: TemplateLiteral | null = null return { root, options, body, helpers, withSlotScopeId, onError: options.onError || (e => { throw e }), helper<T extends symbol>(name: T): T { helpers.add(name) return name }, pushStringPart(part) { if (!currentString) { const currentCall = createCallExpression(`_push`) body.push(currentCall) currentString = createTemplateLiteral([]) currentCall.arguments.push(currentString) } const bufferedElements = currentString.elements const lastItem = bufferedElements[bufferedElements.length - 1] if (isString(part) && isString(lastItem)) { bufferedElements[bufferedElements.length - 1] += part } else { bufferedElements.push(part) } }, pushStatement(statement) { // close current string currentString = null body.push(statement) }, } } function createChildContext( parent: SSRTransformContext, withSlotScopeId = parent.withSlotScopeId, ): SSRTransformContext { // ensure child inherits parent helpers return createSSRTransformContext( parent.root, parent.options, parent.helpers, withSlotScopeId, ) } interface Container { children: TemplateChildNode[] } export function processChildren( parent: Container, context: SSRTransformContext, asFragment = false, disableNestedFragments = false, disableComment = false, ): void { if (asFragment) { context.pushStringPart(`<!--[-->`) } const { children } = parent for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i] switch (child.type) { case NodeTypes.ELEMENT: switch (child.tagType) { case ElementTypes.ELEMENT: ssrProcessElement(child, context) break case ElementTypes.COMPONENT: ssrProcessComponent(child, context, parent) break case ElementTypes.SLOT: ssrProcessSlotOutlet(child, context) break case ElementTypes.TEMPLATE: // TODO break default: context.onError( createSSRCompilerError( SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_INVALID_AST_NODE, (child as any).loc, ), ) // make sure we exhaust all possible types const exhaustiveCheck: never = child return exhaustiveCheck } break case NodeTypes.TEXT: context.pushStringPart(escapeHtml(child.content)) break case NodeTypes.COMMENT: // no need to escape comment here because the AST can only // contain valid comments. if (!disableComment) { context.pushStringPart(`<!--${child.content}-->`) } break case NodeTypes.INTERPOLATION: context.pushStringPart( createCallExpression(context.helper(SSR_INTERPOLATE), [ child.content, ]), ) break case NodeTypes.IF: ssrProcessIf(child, context, disableNestedFragments, disableComment) break case NodeTypes.FOR: ssrProcessFor(child, context, disableNestedFragments) break case NodeTypes.IF_BRANCH: // no-op - handled by ssrProcessIf break case NodeTypes.TEXT_CALL: case NodeTypes.COMPOUND_EXPRESSION: // no-op - these two types can never appear as template child node since // `transformText` is not used during SSR compile. break default: context.onError( createSSRCompilerError( SSRErrorCodes.X_SSR_INVALID_AST_NODE, (child as any).loc, ), ) // make sure we exhaust all possible types const exhaustiveCheck: never = child return exhaustiveCheck } } if (asFragment) { context.pushStringPart(`<!--]-->`) } } export function processChildrenAsStatement( parent: Container, parentContext: SSRTransformContext, asFragment = false, withSlotScopeId: boolean = parentContext.withSlotScopeId, ): BlockStatement { const childContext = createChildContext(parentContext, withSlotScopeId) processChildren(parent, childContext, asFragment) return createBlockStatement(childContext.body) } |