All files / compiler-sfc/src/script context.ts

98.57% Statements 138/140
92.68% Branches 38/41
100% Functions 7/7
98.57% Lines 138/140

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import type { CallExpression, Node, ObjectPattern, Program } from '@babel/types'
import type { SFCDescriptor } from '../parse'
import { generateCodeFrame, isArray } from '@vue/shared'
import { type ParserPlugin, parse as babelParse } from '@babel/parser'
import type { ImportBinding, SFCScriptCompileOptions } from '../compileScript'
import type { PropsDestructureBindings } from './defineProps'
import type { ModelDecl } from './defineModel'
import type { BindingMetadata } from '../../../compiler-core/src'
import MagicString from 'magic-string'
import type { TypeScope } from './resolveType'
import { warn } from '../warn'
export class ScriptCompileContext {
  isJS: boolean
  isTS: boolean
  isCE = false
  scriptAst: Program | null
  scriptSetupAst: Program | null
  source: string = this.descriptor.source
  filename: string = this.descriptor.filename
  s: MagicString = new MagicString(this.source)
  startOffset: number | undefined =
  endOffset: number | undefined = this.descriptor.scriptSetup?.loc.end.offset
  // import / type analysis
  scope?: TypeScope
  globalScopes?: TypeScope[]
  userImports: Record<string, ImportBinding> = Object.create(null)
  // macros presence check
  hasDefinePropsCall = false
  hasDefineEmitCall = false
  hasDefineExposeCall = false
  hasDefaultExportName = false
  hasDefaultExportRender = false
  hasDefineOptionsCall = false
  hasDefineSlotsCall = false
  hasDefineModelCall = false
  // defineProps
  propsCall: CallExpression | undefined
  propsDecl: Node | undefined
  propsRuntimeDecl: Node | undefined
  propsTypeDecl: Node | undefined
  propsDestructureDecl: ObjectPattern | undefined
  propsDestructuredBindings: PropsDestructureBindings = Object.create(null)
  propsDestructureRestId: string | undefined
  propsRuntimeDefaults: Node | undefined
  // defineEmits
  emitsRuntimeDecl: Node | undefined
  emitsTypeDecl: Node | undefined
  emitDecl: Node | undefined
  // defineModel
  modelDecls: Record<string, ModelDecl> = Object.create(null)
  // defineOptions
  optionsRuntimeDecl: Node | undefined
  // codegen
  bindingMetadata: BindingMetadata = {}
  helperImports: Set<string> = new Set()
  helper(key: string): string {
    return `_${key}`
   * to be exposed on compiled script block for HMR cache busting
  deps?: Set<string>
   * cache for resolved fs
  fs?: NonNullable<SFCScriptCompileOptions['fs']>
    public descriptor: SFCDescriptor,
    public options: Partial<SFCScriptCompileOptions>,
  ) {
    const { script, scriptSetup } = descriptor
    const scriptLang = script && script.lang
    const scriptSetupLang = scriptSetup && scriptSetup.lang
    this.isJS =
      scriptLang === 'js' ||
      scriptLang === 'jsx' ||
      scriptSetupLang === 'js' ||
      scriptSetupLang === 'jsx'
    this.isTS =
      scriptLang === 'ts' ||
      scriptLang === 'tsx' ||
      scriptSetupLang === 'ts' ||
      scriptSetupLang === 'tsx'
    const customElement = options.customElement
    const filename = this.descriptor.filename
    if (customElement) {
      this.isCE =
        typeof customElement === 'boolean'
          ? customElement
          : customElement(filename)
    // resolve parser plugins
    const plugins: ParserPlugin[] = resolveParserPlugins(
      (scriptLang || scriptSetupLang)!,
    function parse(input: string, offset: number): Program {
      try {
        return babelParse(input, {
          sourceType: 'module',
      } catch (e: any) {
        e.message = `[vue/compiler-sfc] ${e.message}\n\n${
          e.pos + offset,
          e.pos + offset + 1,
        throw e
    this.scriptAst =
      descriptor.script &&
      parse(descriptor.script.content, descriptor.script.loc.start.offset)
    this.scriptSetupAst =
      descriptor.scriptSetup &&
      parse(descriptor.scriptSetup!.content, this.startOffset!)
  getString(node: Node, scriptSetup = true): string {
    const block = scriptSetup
      ? this.descriptor.scriptSetup!
      : this.descriptor.script!
    return block.content.slice(node.start!, node.end!)
  warn(msg: string, node: Node, scope?: TypeScope): void {
    warn(generateError(msg, node, this, scope))
  error(msg: string, node: Node, scope?: TypeScope): never {
    throw new Error(
      `[@vue/compiler-sfc] ${generateError(msg, node, this, scope)}`,
function generateError(
  msg: string,
  node: Node,
  ctx: ScriptCompileContext,
  scope?: TypeScope,
) {
  const offset = scope ? scope.offset : ctx.startOffset!
  return `${msg}\n\n${(scope || ctx.descriptor).filename}\n${generateCodeFrame(
    (scope || ctx.descriptor).source,
    node.start! + offset,
    node.end! + offset,
export function resolveParserPlugins(
  lang: string,
  userPlugins?: ParserPlugin[],
  dts = false,
): ParserPlugin[] {
  const plugins: ParserPlugin[] = []
  if (
    !userPlugins ||
      p =>
        p === 'importAssertions' ||
        p === 'importAttributes' ||
        (isArray(p) && p[0] === 'importAttributes'),
  ) {
  if (lang === 'jsx' || lang === 'tsx' || lang === 'mtsx') {
  } else if (userPlugins) {
    // If don't match the case of adding jsx
    // should remove the jsx from user options
    userPlugins = userPlugins.filter(p => p !== 'jsx')
  if (lang === 'ts' || lang === 'mts' || lang === 'tsx' || lang === 'mtsx') {
    plugins.push(['typescript', { dts }], 'explicitResourceManagement')
    if (!userPlugins || !userPlugins.includes('decorators')) {
  if (userPlugins) {
  return plugins