All files / compiler-dom/src index.ts

100% Statements 37/37
60% Branches 3/5
100% Functions 2/2
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import {
  type CodegenResult,
  type CompilerOptions,
  type DirectiveTransform,
  type NodeTransform,
  type ParserOptions,
  type RootNode,
} from '@vue/compiler-core'
import { parserOptions } from './parserOptions'
import { transformStyle } from './transforms/transformStyle'
import { transformVHtml } from './transforms/vHtml'
import { transformVText } from './transforms/vText'
import { transformModel } from './transforms/vModel'
import { transformOn } from './transforms/vOn'
import { transformShow } from './transforms/vShow'
import { transformTransition } from './transforms/Transition'
import { stringifyStatic } from './transforms/stringifyStatic'
import { ignoreSideEffectTags } from './transforms/ignoreSideEffectTags'
import { validateHtmlNesting } from './transforms/validateHtmlNesting'
import { extend } from '@vue/shared'
export { parserOptions }
export const DOMNodeTransforms: NodeTransform[] = [
  ...(__DEV__ ? [transformTransition, validateHtmlNesting] : []),
export const DOMDirectiveTransforms: Record<string, DirectiveTransform> = {
  cloak: noopDirectiveTransform,
  html: transformVHtml,
  text: transformVText,
  model: transformModel, // override compiler-core
  on: transformOn, // override compiler-core
  show: transformShow,
export function compile(
  src: string | RootNode,
  options: CompilerOptions = {},
): CodegenResult {
  return baseCompile(
    extend({}, parserOptions, options, {
      nodeTransforms: [
        // ignore <script> and <tag>
        // this is not put inside DOMNodeTransforms because that list is used
        // by compiler-ssr to generate vnode fallback branches
        ...(options.nodeTransforms || []),
      directiveTransforms: extend(
        options.directiveTransforms || {},
      transformHoist: __BROWSER__ ? null : stringifyStatic,
export function parse(template: string, options: ParserOptions = {}): RootNode {
  return baseParse(template, extend({}, parserOptions, options))
export * from './runtimeHelpers'
export { transformStyle } from './transforms/transformStyle'
export {
} from './errors'
export * from '@vue/compiler-core'