All files / compiler-core/src validateExpression.ts

25% Statements 11/44
100% Branches 0/0
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25% Lines 11/44

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import type { SimpleExpressionNode } from './ast'
import type { TransformContext } from './transform'
import { ErrorCodes, createCompilerError } from './errors'
// these keywords should not appear inside expressions, but operators like
// 'typeof', 'instanceof', and 'in' are allowed
const prohibitedKeywordRE = new RegExp(
  '\\b' +
      'arguments,await,break,case,catch,class,const,continue,debugger,default,' +
      'delete,do,else,export,extends,finally,for,function,if,import,let,new,' +
      .join('\\b|\\b') +
// strip strings in expressions
const stripStringRE =
 * Validate a non-prefixed expression.
 * This is only called when using the in-browser runtime compiler since it
 * doesn't prefix expressions.
export function validateBrowserExpression(
  node: SimpleExpressionNode,
  context: TransformContext,
  asParams = false,
  asRawStatements = false,
): void {
  const exp = node.content
  // empty expressions are validated per-directive since some directives
  // do allow empty expressions.
  if (!exp.trim()) {
  try {
    new Function(
        ? ` ${exp} `
        : `return ${asParams ? `(${exp}) => {}` : `(${exp})`}`,
  } catch (e: any) {
    let message = e.message
    const keywordMatch = exp
      .replace(stripStringRE, '')
    if (keywordMatch) {
      message = `avoid using JavaScript keyword as property name: "${keywordMatch[0]}"`