All files / compiler-core/src/transforms vBind.ts

97.75% Statements 87/89
96.87% Branches 31/32
100% Functions 3/3
97.75% Lines 87/89

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import type { DirectiveTransform, TransformContext } from '../transform'
import {
  type DirectiveNode,
  type ExpressionNode,
  type SimpleExpressionNode,
} from '../ast'
import { ErrorCodes, createCompilerError } from '../errors'
import { camelize } from '@vue/shared'
import { CAMELIZE } from '../runtimeHelpers'
import { processExpression } from './transformExpression'
// v-bind without arg is handled directly in ./transformElement.ts due to its affecting
// codegen for the entire props object. This transform here is only for v-bind
// *with* args.
export const transformBind: DirectiveTransform = (dir, _node, context) => {
  const { modifiers, loc } = dir
  const arg = dir.arg!
  let { exp } = dir
  // handle empty expression
  if (exp && exp.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION && !exp.content.trim()) {
    if (!__BROWSER__) {
      // #10280 only error against empty expression in non-browser build
      // because :foo in in-DOM templates will be parsed into :foo="" by the
      // browser
        createCompilerError(ErrorCodes.X_V_BIND_NO_EXPRESSION, loc),
      return {
        props: [
          createObjectProperty(arg, createSimpleExpression('', true, loc)),
    } else {
      exp = undefined
  // same-name shorthand - :arg is expanded to :arg="arg"
  if (!exp) {
    if (arg.type !== NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION || !arg.isStatic) {
      // only simple expression is allowed for same-name shorthand
      return {
        props: [
          createObjectProperty(arg, createSimpleExpression('', true, loc)),
    transformBindShorthand(dir, context)
    exp = dir.exp!
  if (arg.type !== NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
    arg.children.push(`) || ""`)
  } else if (!arg.isStatic) {
    arg.content = `${arg.content} || ""`
  // .sync is replaced by v-model:arg
  if (modifiers.some(mod => mod.content === 'camel')) {
    if (arg.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
      if (arg.isStatic) {
        arg.content = camelize(arg.content)
      } else {
        arg.content = `${context.helperString(CAMELIZE)}(${arg.content})`
    } else {
  if (!context.inSSR) {
    if (modifiers.some(mod => mod.content === 'prop')) {
      injectPrefix(arg, '.')
    if (modifiers.some(mod => mod.content === 'attr')) {
      injectPrefix(arg, '^')
  return {
    props: [createObjectProperty(arg, exp)],
export const transformBindShorthand = (
  dir: DirectiveNode,
  context: TransformContext,
): void => {
  const arg = dir.arg!
  const propName = camelize((arg as SimpleExpressionNode).content)
  dir.exp = createSimpleExpression(propName, false, arg.loc)
  if (!__BROWSER__) {
    dir.exp = processExpression(dir.exp, context)
const injectPrefix = (arg: ExpressionNode, prefix: string) => {
  if (arg.type === NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
    if (arg.isStatic) {
      arg.content = prefix + arg.content
    } else {
      arg.content = `\`${prefix}\${${arg.content}}\``
  } else {
    arg.children.unshift(`'${prefix}' + (`)